Free MRI Review

The Spine Center at Orlando Orthopaedic Center offers a free MRI review to potential patients. Once submitted, a spine specialist will review your MRI to determine condition, cause and severity. We will then contact you to discuss the results as well as next steps for your back and neck pain treatment.

By filling out the MRI Request form you acknowledge and agree:

  • Your identifiable information can be shared with employees of Orlando Orthopaedic Center
  • This MRI review is providing an informational review of the documents that you are providing only.
  • Information provided by our spine specialist is not a form of diagnosis. A diagnosis can only be made if you have been physically examined by a spine surgeon at Orlando Orthopaedic Center.

Orlando Orthopaedic Center acknowledges and agrees:

We will not share your personally identifiable healthcare information to third parties without your written consent upon receipt of the MRI.