Knee Replacement Eligibility Quiz

Is It Time to Consider Knee Surgery?

Are you living with persistent knee pain and wondering if it’s time to consider a knee replacement? Our Knee Replacement Candidate Quiz is designed to provide valuable insights for this life-changing procedure.
Knee pain can significantly impact your daily life, from limiting your mobility to affecting your overall quality of life. By taking this simple assessment, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of whether knee replacement surgery could be the right solution for you.

Please Note: This is not a validated test for surgical decisions and answers should not be treated as an official diagnosis.

Knee Replacement Eligibility Quiz

Please Note: This is not a validated test for surgical decisions and answers should not be treated as an official diagnosis.

Do you encounter discomfort in your knee, such as stiffness and/or pain that hinders your daily activities?(Required)
Does your pain persist even when you are at rest and not using your knee?(Required)
Have you noticed swelling or a sense of your knee being misaligned?(Required)
Have you given up on activities you enjoy due to knee pain?(Required)
Have you explored other treatments for knee pain, such as anti-inflammatories, steroid injections, icing, or physical therapy, with limited success?(Required)

Where can we send the results?

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